Learning and Growing

As I progress on my path toward cybersecurity expertise, I’ve drawn on a variety of resources to sharpen my skills. One of the key programs I’m completing is the Google Cybersecurity course, where I’ve successfully covered several important modules:

  • Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL

  • Connect and Protect: Networks and Network Security

  • Play It Safe: Manage Security Risks

  • Foundations of Cybersecurity

While penetration testing can be an exciting part of cybersecurity, it’s essential to organize and present the findings in a way that clients can easily grasp. Many business owners might not be very tech-savvy, so they need to clearly understand how vulnerabilities could impact their operations.

In cybersecurity, assessments and reports are a regular part of the job. Today, I’m working on a vulnerability assessment report. This report aims to analyze a vulnerable system within a small database and outline the risks, along with a plan for remediation.

For this, I’m recommending key practices such as:

  • The Principle of Least Privilege

  • The AAA Framework and Defense in Depth

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

These exercises are not only practical for my learning but will also serve as valuable references for my future role. Writing reports like these is good preparation, as I expect they’ll be a daily part of my work in cybersecurity

Finishing the Metasploit Exploration room ...

Finishing the Metasploit Exploration room has certainly added a few skills to my knowledgebase. This TryHackMe room has 7 tasks and information to help you along if you are not familiar. It also has hints to help the questions at the end of each task, in case you are stuck.

 The room specifically covered:

  • Scanning target systems with Metasploit

  • How to use the database system

  • Using ms  to run a vulnerability scan

  • Exploit vulverable services on target systems

  •  How to use msfvenom to create payloads and  get a meterpreter session on a target system

I am not ashamed to admit that I will go through a few other exploitations basics and return to this one to see if I am able to breeze through without any hints. My goal is to embed the process so that it is second nature.

Next up I will be Metesploit Meterpreter. This one is a deep dive…👩🏾‍💻

What is a hackers favorite sport? Phishing

What is a hackers favorite sport? Phishing

Attention to detail and persistance

I have been practicing my skills on Try Hack Me, specifically, I have been practicing Metasploit module Metasploit: Exploitation. I will admit I have been dabbling and not paying proper attention. As a result I find my self reviewing the completed tasks before moving on.

So I am breezing through and getting the results already recorded in the questions until I come to the final question. Basically I need to discover a user login using smb_login. Having already completed this task before I go thru the motions

I have already found the module

• search smb_login

• use 0

Now I search options ( to see which options need updating)

set RHOSTS --- Done! ( use the Ip of the of the machine)

set SMBUser--- done ( according to the question the user is penny)

set pass_file —- (this is the user list given earlier in task one: /usr/share/wordlists/MetasploitRoom/MetasploitWordlist.txt

Now here is where I have a brain blurb I simply need to set pass_file to finish my review and move on to complete the room. Now the perceptive reader will see immediately where I am going to fail at this task, and you are correct. But I will tell you that eventually ended up looking for an explanation of this on Youtube. After trying multiple solutions- I should also mention that during this review I was doing at least two other things and not paying proper attention- I finally discovered my error…

set PASS_FILE (notice the case… details matter)

and just like that its done.

What have I learned?

1. Case matters I had entered pass_file instead of PASS_FILE multiple times even though in show options, it is clearly listed in all uppercase letters

2. When you are learning it is good to practice a skill until it becomes familiar. I went over this task so many times that my fingers now know what to do once I open Metasploit!

Well I have a few more task to review before I complete this room. I’ve got to keep my skills sharp and practice is the only way to create that muscle memory that will serve me well on my journey to Pentesting.

What is the best way to catch a runaway robot? Use a botnet!🤖

I am starting on a journey to become a Pentester. While I have already been a bit of a nerd that loved to tinker with things, in the past couple of years I have decided to take this skill set to another level. I have obtained 2 certifications , Comptia A+ and also the Security +. Now certifications will not make you a Pentester, so I have begun my journey to learn as many skills and techniques that I can, so that “hacking” will be second nature and I can excel at this task.

As I learn and progress I will list my success, failures and lessons learned here to record my journey.

So as a “Hacker in training I will need a new persona. I have decided to use “thespeyegrl” so welcome to the Exploits of THESPEYEGRL As you can tell from the title of this post.. I have a unique sense of humor!!